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Walk 905 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 Milngavie 13.35 NS5532474456
2 Footpath 13.55 NS5495775904
3 Track / road junction 14.15 NS5386076999
4 Track by loch 14.35 NS5346478355
5 Track / road junction 14.53 NS5375879580
6 Track 15.15 NS5311480551
7 Old railway line 15.32 NS5304081472
8 Road 16.01 NS5229383478
9 End of road by houses 16.14 NS5177384284
10 Underbridge 16.33 NS5096985359
11 Old railway bridge 16.58 NS5036486933
12 East Drumquhassle farm 17.27 NS4862587205

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