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Walk 778 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 Great Chesterford station 08.20 TL5043642428
2 B184 road 08.39 TL5143442822
3 Burtonwood Farm 09.07 TL5330743803
4 Trig pillar 09.30 TL5446144689
5 Footpath 09.45 TL5520945291
6 Dog and Duck pub, Linton 10.12 TL5606746834
7 Rivey Hill water tower 10.38 TL5680747922
8 Footpath / Roman Road junction 10.57 TL5764549083
9 Track 11.15 TL5826449429
10 Balsham church 11.40 TL5872350850
11 Track 12.03 TL5835951879
12 Track 12.16 TL5905852491
13 Crossroads 12.35 TL5980853789
14 Track / road junction 12.52 TL6029854484
15 Crick's Farm 13.14 TL6173454360
16 Road junction 13.29 TL6267153942
17 Brinkley church 13.45 TL6295354791
18 The Bull pub, Burrough Green 14.06 TL6381755617
19 Track near road 14.20 TL6413756488
20 Footpath by ditch 14.38 TL6434857511
21 Footbridge 14.41 TL6427557694
22 Crossroads 14.55 TL6298657880
23 Dullingham Station 15.12 TL6180458573

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