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Walk 684 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 Folkestone Central railway station 06.43 TR2216636275
2 A259 roundabout below Creteway Down 07.08 TR2289237677
3 Footpath junction on Creteway Down 07.20 TR2307338146
4 Canterbury Road 07.33 TR2222838456
5 Footpath on Castle Hill 07.50 TR2134237897
6 Footpath beside Crete Road West 08.11 TR2032038210
7 Footpath beside pillbox 08.32 TR1931238195
8 Road 08.49 TR1887338816
9 Footpath in valley 09.10 TR1789739435
10 Road / footpath junction near Etchinghill 09.27 TR1696339160
11 Road by Tolsford Hill Radio Station 09.47 TR1609838812
12 Footpath 10.10 TR1491839374
13 Footpath 10.30 TR1408739831
14 T-junction near Skeete Wood 10.52 to 11.00TR1334440871
15 Tiger Inn, Stowting 11.25 TR1203241404
16 Track / road junction 11.43 TR1106442214
17 Road by trig pillar 12.00 TR1002142795
18 Track / road junction 12.19 TR0945143797
19 Footpath by Cold Blow Farm 12.39 TR0861444831
20 Road on Broad Downs 13.00 TR0770445774
21 Footpath / road junction 13.20 TR0722346875
22 Road in Wye 13.40 TR0561146999
23 Wye station 13.54 TR0479846941
24 Roman Road 14.12 TR0368747409
25 North Downs Way junction 14.24 TR0285547537
26 Roman Road 14.37 TR0369847400
27 Wye station 14.55 TR0482246967

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