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Walk 893 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 Dunwich car park 08.06 TM4793270719
2 Footpath junction 08.27 TM4648770187
3 Footpath junction 08.42 TM4555070205
4 Footbridge over stream 09.01 TM4566970770
5 Footpath / road crossing 09.23 TM4591171816
6 Footpath / track junction 09.40 TM4517372670
7 End of road 10.03 TM4654973695
8 Road / footpath junction 10.23 TM4806974239
9 Footpath 10.43 TM4848875327
10 Footbridge over the Blyth 10.58 TM4941575786
11 Lifeboat museum 11.19 TM5045574878
12 Southwold promenade 11.33 TM5084775785
13 Southwold Pier 11.48 to 12.12TM5114176658
14 Road / footpath crossing 12.29 TM5041376891
15 Footbridge over the Blyth 12.53 TM4945775829
16 Footpath behind dunes 13.12 TM5020374747
17 Footpath junction 13.30 TM4960774090
18 Beach 13.50 TM4869072826
19 Footpath behind beach 14.05 TM4830571938
20 Dunwich car park 14.25 TM4793270719

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