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Walk 813 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 Alresford station 08.07 SU5881832492
2 Old Alresford church 08.26 SU5880433717
3 Track 08.45 SU5992834848
4 Track junction 09.05 SU6108635990
5 End of road 09.20 SU6197336901
6 Road junction 09.37 SU6263937801
7 Upper Wield church 09.56 SU6283538748
8 Track by Wield Woods. 10.15 SU6168038281
9 Track 10.30 SU6051637980
10 Trig pillar on Bugmore Hill 10.45 SU5961237784
11 Road / track junction 11.01 SU5941638774
12 Track junction 11.17 SU5817338492
13 Track 11.32 SU5828037387
14 Road crossing 11.46 SU5853136135
15 Track 12.00 SU5754835251
16 Bridge in Abbotstone 12.16 SU5645234546
17 Track junction 12.29 SU5557234305
18 Track junction 12.51 SU5699133461
19 Track / road junction 13.03 SU5736632761
20 Horse and Groom pub, New Alresford 13.32 to 14.17SU5884132725
21 Bridge over A31 14.36 SU5879631458
22 Track / road junction 14.53 SU5798930676
23 Road junction 15.12 SU5801829691
24 Road junction 15.31 SU5821728615
25 Track junction 15.51 SU5948628647
26 Track / road junction 16.13 SU5959229910
27 Bridge over A31 16.39 SU5880131449
28 Alresford station 17.00 SU5881832492

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