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Walk 330 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 Aveton Gifford car park 08.17 SX6923647260
2 End of tidal road 08.37 SX6829746714
3 Footpath 08.55 SX6744946509
4 Bend in the B3392 road 09.19 SX6655445290
5 Ferry landing, Cockleridge 09.35 SX6663744100
6 Bigbury-on-Sea 10.00 SX6523744243
7 Top of hill 10.23 SX6438945190
8 Westcombe Beach 10.45 SX6355845835
9 Top of hill 11.07 SX6260545949
10 Footpath 11.25 SX6169046487
11 River Erme 11.44 SX6175147406
12 Meadowsfoot Beach 12.04 SX6109347385
13 Bugle Hole 12.28 SX6007147016
14 St Anchoritel's Rock 12.51 SX5909947222
15 Footpath 13.10 SX5819747284
16 Footpath 13.22 SX5723546830
17 Revelstoke Drive near Stoke House 13.50 SX5627846504
18 Revelstoke Drive 14.12 SX5527045915
19 Revelstoke Drive 14.30 SX5406346114
20 Revelstoke Drive 14.50 SX5313146879
21 Revelstoke Drive 15.05 SX5265647395
22 Footpath above Ferry Cottage 15.30 SX5394947521
23 Car park in Noss Mayo 15.51 SX5479347587

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