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Walk 241 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 Leave Mappleton car park 08.45 TA2280043800
2 Beach 09.01 TA233430
3 Beach 09.20 TA241417
4 Beach 09.41 to 09.48TA252403
5 Beach 10.10 TA262389
6 Ruins by beach 10.31 TA272375
7 Beach 10.52 TA281362
8 Beach 11.10 TA289350
9 Beach 11.30 TA297339
10 Beach 11.50 TA308325
11 Beach by trig point 12.12 TA317313
12 Beach 12.30 TA325303
13 First groyne in Withernsea 13.01 TA337289
14 Pub in Withernsea 13.16 to 13.40TA340279
15 Withernsea lifeboat station 13.57 TA347273
16 Beach 14.25 TA360258
17 Cliffs 14.45 to 14.50TA368245
18 Cliffs 15.10 TA378232
19 Cliff Farm 15.29 TA385224
20 Trig point S2457 15.59 TA396206
21 All Saint's Church, Easington 16.23 TA3993819148

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