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Hiking in Britain

Walk 991 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 The Exeter Arms, Barrowden 06.25 SK9464800097
2 Crossing of old railway 06.45 SP9368499281
3 Turtle Bridge 07.02 SP9282698503
4 Road in Harringworth 07.25 SP9187597364
5 Road by old rail bridge 07.48 SP9279596396
6 Track by Harringworth Lodge 08.08 SP9323195289
7 Bend in track by Hollow Wood 08.24 SP9222294744
8 Bend in footpath 08.40 SP9104094645
9 Road junction in Gretton 09.00 SP8994293934
10 Bridge under railway line 09.14 SP8929093253
11 Footpath in field 09.37 SP8799292387
12 A6003 in Rockingham 09.58 SP8672991561
13 Footpath in field 10.19 SP8799292387
14 Bridge under railway line 10.41 SP8929093253
15 Road junction in Gretton 10.55 SP8994293934
16 Bend in footpath 11.14 SP9104094645
17 Bend in track by Hollow Wood 11.31 SP9222294744
18 Track by Harringworth Lodge 11.48 SP9323195289
19 Road by old rail bridge 12.04 SP9279596396
20 Road in Harringworth 12.27 SP9187597364
21 Turtle Bridge 12.49 SP9282698503
22 Crossing of old railway 13.09 SP9368499281
23 The Eexter Arms, Barrowden 13.36 SK9464800097

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