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Hiking in Britain

Walks in Tyne and Wear

Tyne and Wear is a small, heavily-industrialised county in the northeast of England. It includes Newcastle, Sunderland and Gateshead, and the rivers Tyne and Wear.

There are some pretty stretches of coastline, especially to the north of Newcastle. The eastern end of Hadrian's Wall national trail lies within the county.



Below is a map showing all the walks that I have completed in Tyne and Wear.

Completed walks in Tyne and Wear

Curious sculptures on the promenade in South Shields.

Looking north along the beach from Trow Point.

Souter Lighthouse.


List of walks in Tyne and Wear

Walk No. Description Distance (miles)
932 Hadrian's Wall Path: Newcastle to Wallsend and on to Cullercoats17.2
931 Hadrian's Wall Path: Chollerford to Newcastle26.9
233 Sunderland to Blackhall15.4
232 Howdon Station to Sunderland Station15.3
231 East Sleekburn to Howdon18.0

This was a total of 92.8 miles in 5 walks (an average of 18.55 miles per walk).

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