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Hiking in Britain

Walk 941 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 Bakewell Bridge car park 08.00 SK2204768662
2 Monsal Trail 08.21 SK2190870123
3 Monsal Trail 08.40 SK2065170989
4 Footpath near tunnel 09.02 SK1895471365
5 Monsal Dale station 09.20 SK1771072003
6 Monsal Trail 09.44 SK1606472925
7 Monsal Trail 09.58 SK1492073181
8 Miller's Dale station 10.14 SK1383773251
9 Monsal Trail 10.34 SK1227772982
10 End of the Monsal Trail 10.51 SK1120072621
11 Chee Tor tunnel 11.10 SK1256373128
12 Viaduct 11.43 SK1304773312
13 Miller's Dale station 11.53 SK1382873222
14 Monsal Trail 12.09 SK1515873030
15 Footpath by the river 12.30 SK1658273117
16 Footpath / railway junction 12.53 SK1720472396
17 Monsal Dale Viaduct 13.10 SK1825971555
18 Great Longstone station 13.29 SK1976771095
19 Hassop station 13.53 SK2175470485
20 Bakewell station 14.14 SK2223468987
21 Bakewell Bridge car park 14.22 SK2204768662

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