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Walk 896 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 Ancaster station 07.00 SK9842644394
2 Road junction 07.21 SK9875446327
3 Footpath beside road 07.40 SK9885247936
4 A17(T) 07.57 SK9897149451
5 Road crossing 08.23 SK9915151780
6 Road crossing 08.42 SK9926953341
7 Track / road junction 08.55 SK9935654362
8 Crossroads 09.15 SK9946456047
9 A607 junction 09.34 SK9821156588
10 Footpath 09.54 SK9824357494
11 Road / track junction 10.15 SK9840657890
12 Castle Lane junction 10.36 SK9845959160
13 Tempest Inn 11.01 SK9757960403
14 Footpath / road junction 11.26 SK9772161642
15 Lane 11.43 SK9737662572
16 Three Horseshoes PH 12.06 to 12.30SK9757364163
17 Footpath 12.50 SK9747265582
18 Footpath 13.10 SK9748566692
19 Road / A15(T) junction 13.38 SK9770868398
20 Bend in footpath 14.07 SK9832769655
21 Road 14.25 SK9761270218
22 Lincoln station 14.41 SK9760570914

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