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Hiking in Britain

Walk 683 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 Shepherds Well station 09.35 TR2578548197
2 Path by Shepherdswell Church 09.45 TR2621447819
3 Footpath near Coldred Court Farm 10.00 TR2727847589
4 Footpath in Waldershare Park 10.20 TR2879148097
5 Bridge over the A256 10.39 TR2992348129
6 Road junction in Ashley 10.54 TR3076748729
7 Crossroads near Maydensole Farm 11.10 TR3143447619
8 Road / footpath junction 11.30 TR3152346164
9 Bridge over the A2 near Guston 11.57 TR3224844281
10 Road above railway line 12.22 TR3167942955
11 Dover market Square 12.49 to 13.29TR3194941423
12 Footpath above Drop Redoubt 13.44 TR3146641179
13 Footpath on Western Heights 14.01 TR3115340401
14 Path over Shakespeare Cliff 14.20 TR3056339749
15 Cliff top path 14.38 TR2966239490
16 Cliff top path 14.58 TR2862439047
17 Sound mirror on cliff top 15.23 to 15.34TR2717938619
18 Grass fire by track 15.40 to 15.51TR2673338727
19 Cafe in Capel-le-Ferne 16.13 TR2541238476
20 Battle of Britain Memorial 16.29 TR2455838137
21 Dover Hill trig pillar 16.47 TR2380437805
22 Footpath junction on Creteway Down 16.58 TR2307338146
23 A259 roundabout below Creteway Down 17.10 TR2286037617
24 Folkestone Central station 17.32 TR2216636275

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