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Hiking in Britain

Walk 618 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 B&B in Dursley 09.06 ST7547598096
2 Road / path junction 09.29 ST7619298762
3 Top of Peaked Down 09.44 ST7677899157
4 Footpath / road junction near Hodgecombe Farm 10.16 ST7808999308
5 Footpath in Coaley Wood 10.30 ST7867999337
6 Track through Coaley Wood 10.49 SO7893400207
7 The A.A. Topograph on Frocester Hill 11.09 SO7931101017
8 Footpath Buckholt Wood 11.30 SO8019401905
9 Footpath in Stanley Wood 11.50 SO8129502292
10 Rest by road in Middleyard 12.12 to 12.25SO8201803054
11 A419 road 12.51 SO8134904513
12 Footpath on Doverow Hill 13.10 SO8199505219
13 Footpath leading up to Maiden Hill 13.30 SO8217306130
14 Track in Standish Wood 13.50 SO8292607155
15 Track in Standish Wood 14.10 SO8347208010
16 Cripplegate car park 14.21 SO8317408580
17 Trig point on Haresfield Hill 14.47 to 15.05SO8204008881
18 Path / road junction in Cliffwell 15.25 SO8325009449
19 Track / footpath junction in Stockend Wood 15.52 SO8436009140
20 Edgemooor Inn, by the A4173 road 16.07 SO8502009070
21 Track junction near Wash Brook 16.23 SO8568709524
22 Gloucester Street / New Street junction in Painswick 16.49 SO8676409385

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