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Walk 588 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 Grindleford railway station 08.37 SK2509878822
2 B6521 road 08.56 SK2571379818
3 B6521/A6187 junction near the Fox House Inn 09.09 SK2651480277
4 Burbage Rocks 09.25 SK2677981176
5 Burbage Rocks 09.42 SK2690982113
6 Road near bridge over Burbage Brook 09.58 SK2619182975
7 Trig point at southern end of Stanage Edge 10.17 SK2509383023
8 Stanage Edge 10.40 SK2414484135
9 High Neb trig point 11.05 SK2282085351
10 Path 11.20 SK2253386203
11 A57 road 11.44 SK2302187859
12 Path over Highshaw Clough 12.09 SK2151387984
13 Path junction at Derwent Edge 12.25 SK2031288023
14 Path on Derwent Edge 12.45 SK1966489113
15 Path on Derwent Edge 13.00 SK1977190132
16 Back Tor trig point 13.14 SK1975890984
17 Path 13.31 SK1888191439
18 Junction of paths on Abbey Bank 13.51 SK1765191180
19 Track by Derwent Reservoir 14.01 SK1738890880
20 Fairholmes car park 14.23 SK1718389413
21 Lockerbrook Farm 14.45 SK1648689450
22 A57 road 15.01 SK1623388657
23 Junction with Roman Road 15.21 SK1597587650
24 Path beside forest 15.40 SK1684986577
25 Path 15.55 SK1752985479
26 Win Hill trig point 16.12 SK1869085103
27 Top end of track near ruined barn 16.31 SK1797184475
28 Hope railway station 16.51 SK1811583264
29 The Rising Sun Inn, Brough 17.14 SK1948982796

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