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Walk 301 information table

General Walk Information

LegTo Time Grid reference
1 Leave van in Pagham 08.01 SZ8908097351
2 Footpath at western end of lake 08.21 SZ8837496600
3 End of road to west of Pagham 08.40 SZ8793097629
4 Crab and Lobster pub 09.12 SZ8618397312
5 B2145 road 09.32 SZ8566096258
6 St Wilfred's Church, Church Norton 09.58 to 10.10SZ8717395774
7 Beach 10.30 SZ8722094316
8 Selsey lifeboat station 11.04 SZ8622692765
9 Selsey Bill car park 11.25 SZ8505692393
10 Beach 11.45 SZ8434993215
11 Beach 12.00 SZ8351994020
12 Beach 12.20 SZ8230995159
13 Bracklesham car park 12.47 SZ8058396362
14 Footpath by beach 13.10 SZ7953796817
15 Footpath by beach 13.30 SZ7812597391
16 Car park beside East Head 13.57 SZ7654798437
17 Footpath 14.20 SZ7749199385
18 Footpath 14.40 SU7822100277
19 Footpath 14.55 SU7883701119
20 Car park at West Itchenor 15.14 SU7979301256

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